I have the care certificate but my employer is saying that it is not equivalent to NVQ 2, could you please advice as to whether they are right?
Dear S,
Thank you for your question.
Your employers are right. The Care Certificate is not equivalent to NVQ 2 or to a Level 2 Diploma in Care.
The Care Certificate is a set of 15 standards that sets out the knowledge, skills and behaviours expected for specific job roles in the health and social care sectors. The 15 minimum standards should be covered if you are ‘new to care’ and should form part of a robust induction programme.
It is expected that the Care Certificate will be completed in the first six months of a career in care.
People who have already worked in care would not normally when starting a new job be expected to undertake the Care Certificate again but the new employer must be satisfied that the new employee has the appropriate level of competence.
On their website Skills for Care says:
“Everyone working in adult social care should be able to take part in learning and development so they can carry out their role effectively and deliver high quality care. Qualifications can play an important role.
We’ve developed adult social care qualification specifications in partnership with employers and awarding organisations to meet the needs of people who need care and support.”
There is of course mandatory training that you have to undertake regularly such as the prevention of fire and moving and handling.
Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care is the next progression on from the Care Certificate and to have a successful career in Health and Social Care it is I believe essential that you keep yourself up to date with all the latest developments and practices.
Best wishes.