Procedure on complaints received by the CQC | QCS


I’m presently doing the Level 3 Diploma in Care, I need to know, what the procedure is, once the CQC have received a complaint about an aspect of care?

I would be grateful for a response.

Sheila Scott
Answered by Sheila Scott

Dear Susan,

“We’re not responsible for resolving individual complaints, but we do want to hear from people who experience or know about poor care because we use this information when we inspect services.”

This is a quote from CQC’s report “Complaints and concerns matter to CQC”.

There is a lack of consistency to the actions of local inspectors, sometimes complaints are investigated but some such as in the case of Winterbourne View were not investigated.

I hope that there is a more consistent approach now with the new methodology and approach to inspection.

This is the link to the latest published position statement by CQC.

Complaints matter:

The details of the legal position is published here:

Regulation 16: Receiving and acting on complaints:

All responsible registered providers take both complains and compliments seriously and where a complaint is up held learn from the experience.

Best wishes.


About Sheila Scott

Sheila Scott OBE from National Care Association (NCA). Care is Sheila’s life; she possesses a strong command of the issues facing the care sector informed by her long career as a nursing professional, the owner and manager of a care business and as a leader in the care sector.

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