Hi Sheila, are you allowed to self medicate at seventy?
Dear P,
Many thanks for your question
Everyone regardless of age should be able to and encouraged to self medicate for as long as possible.
There is a large population of over 70’s living at home and managing their own medications well and without any need for support.
For people receiving a care package, we do have a duty to assess that someone can self medicate and consider how we can promote independence as far as practicably possible. The ability to self medicate is assessed before commencing a care package or moving into a care setting.
If the person is living in their own home with a care package then they will need a care plan that will identify whether or not the person needs assistance with the administration of medication. If a carer becomes concerned about whether or not the service user is taking or able to manage their medication then the carer should report the facts to their Manager.
If the person is living in a care home, a risk assessment should be carried out to ensure that they are able to manage their medication. Again, this would be care planned detailing how staff would support the individual. A lockable storage unit must be available in the person’s room to store the medication in.
I hope this is helpful.