Hi Shelia, working in Dom care do we have to notify CQC of a service user death if they are on palliative care / end of life. I am aware we do have to notify them in the event of a suspicious or unexpected death but not sure if they are on end of life.
Dear L,
Thank you for your question.
Care Quality Guidance says:
If you are a registered provider or a registered manager of:
- Independent healthcare
- Adult social care
- Primary dental care
- Private ambulance services
You are required to notify CQC of certain incidents, events or changes to your service.
This guidance tells you what you must notify CQC about, the forms you must use, how to submit the information to us, and what we do with the information.
- Death of a person who uses the service (Regulation 16) These notifications must be submitted without delay.
‘Without delay’ is the timescale requirement for a number of notifications. It means exactly what it says – that providers should submit their notification as quickly as possible after the event has happened.
There are sections on the form to enable you to tell us about the circumstances of the death (as required by the regulation).
These notifications can be either significant or routine.
You can read the full guidance here.
The regulation is quite clear that you have to notify CQC of the death of any service user.
I hope this is helpful.
Best wishes.