I have invested heavily invested on a project I am expecting CQC to come and inspect and register.
Can CQC refuse registration for any reason at all?
I do not expect that you will have invested heavily in a project that will require appropriate CQC registration without doing the appropriate research including market research.
When CQC comes to inspect and register they will expect that the project will be ready to commence business and will have in place a person to be registered to be the Registered Manager and all the policies, procedures and forms necessary so you should familiarise yourself with The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014
From Day 1 of opening your service you will have to meet all the criteria. I think that you will find the first web address below helpful as well as one of the other two depending on what service you hope to provide.
Regulations for service providers and managers
How CQC regulates: Community adult social care services
How CQC regulates:Residential adult social care services
You will need to demonstrate a clear understanding of the law and that you have the experience and qualifications necessary either as a provider or as a registered manager. You may also find it helpful to look at the information about the Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOE) on the CQC website.
So the answer to your question is that CQC can refuse registration but only when they do so acting within the context of the law.
Best wishes.