Hi Sheila, I am a private carer, I have three private clients that I do personal care for. Do I have to register with CQC or give them up?
Dear Alexander,
Thank you for your question.
The answer to your question is to be found on the Care Quality Commission (CQC) website in the document “The Scope of Registration”.
On page 14 of this document CQC says in relation to individual budgets, individual user trusts and self-funded personal care or nursing care:
‘Where a person, or a related third party on their behalf, makes their own arrangement for nursing care or personal care, and the nurse or carer works directly for them and under their control without an agency or employer involved in managing or directing the care provided, the nurse or carer does not need to register for that regulated activity’.
So I think that is quite clear providing that you are providing the care and the service user is paying you directly, you do not need to register with CQC.
You can find further information on pages 14 and 15 of the document here.
I expect that you will have considered the appropriate insurance that you will need to have in place and also training in areas such as moving and handling if that is appropriate.
I hope this is helpful.
With best wishes.