Dear Senga,
I wonder if you can advise me please? The Care Inspectorate have asked me to do a development plan for my service and I have never done this before and I am unsure of where to start, I operate a Care at Home service, do you know of one or can you advise please?
Hello Alexander,
No problem at all I can help with that. Previously the Care Inspectorate would ask the service to complete an online Self-Assessment Form. This has been suspended temporarily until the new frameworks are developed for all service types. The regulator, however, still must know where you feel the service is operating and what your plans are for the future, hence a development plan.
I would advise structuring it under the 3 Quality themes – Quality of Care and Support, Quality of Staffing and Quality of Management and Leadership. Under these headings I would detail what your service does for service users, relatives/carers and staff. Give examples of the good practice your service delivers. e.g. Quality of Staffing – I use the SSSC code of practice questions in interviews, have examples of this in the staff files.
When you have detailed all your strengths, I would then write your plans for the future and a timeframe for implementing these plans. These don’t have to be huge things but detail it all and be mindful of the timeframe, don’t say you will do something in 3 months if it is a challenge. e.g. the service user guide will be available in large print, or more user-friendly pictorial version.
I also advise you to diarise monthly to visit the development plan and update with actions you have completed and to add more developments, that way it is current and up to date.
I hope that helps you Alexander.
Kind Regards