One of our service users refuses to take her medication. We put it in chocolates as her relative told us this is how she took it. At our inspection the service was given a requirement saying it is covert medication. Can you advise? | QCS

Hi Senga,

One of our service users refuses to take her medication. We put it in chocolates as her relative told us this is how she took it.

At our inspection the service was given a requirement saying it is covert medication. Can you advise?



Senga Currie
Answered by Senga Currie

Hello Janey,


The regulator is correct, it is covert medication and therefore best practice guidance must be followed.


Please see this document. After reading the guidance, follow the steps and processes, it maybe that you continue to administer the service user’s medication in this fashion however you must demonstrate all parties are in agreement, it is in the persons best interest and there is no alternative way of giving her medication.


Covert medication is acceptable in some circumstances, however best practice must be followed.


I hope this helps.




About Senga Currie

Senga has been a registered mental nurse and registered general nurse for 38 years, working in various areas within the NHS, community nursing, the field of addictions and the private sector.

Since 1998 she has been working with care homes, starting as a nursing sister and moving into roles of home manager, regional manager, care services manager and regulation manager. Read more

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