Senga Currie | QCS

Senga Currie

Senga has been a registered mental nurse and registered general nurse for 38 years, working in various areas within the NHS, community nursing, the field of addictions and the private sector.

Since 1998 she has been working with care homes, starting as a nursing sister and moving into roles of home manager, regional manager, care services manager and regulation manager. Read more

Senga Currie's Posts & Answers

Can you tell me about the Duty of Candour and what this means for my service?

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I am a new manager and would like to know what training is available to support Health and Social Care staff?

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Welsh Care Inspectorate – Changes to how they enforce

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Self- evaluation = Improvement

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Care Inspectorate announces The Quality Framework

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The Scottish Mock Inspection Toolkits have been released!

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Information to support you and your staff in meeting the Health and Social Care

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Update on Scottish Changes

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