Senga Currie | QCS

Senga Currie

Senga has been a registered mental nurse and registered general nurse for 38 years, working in various areas within the NHS, community nursing, the field of addictions and the private sector.

Since 1998 she has been working with care homes, starting as a nursing sister and moving into roles of home manager, regional manager, care services manager and regulation manager. Read more

Senga Currie's Posts & Answers

On behalf of my business (but to include its staff). Do we need to register with both SSSC and Care Inspectorate Scotland?

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What should I do if I forgot to renew my registration and login details?

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What should I do if I need to change the senior member of staff supporting my application?

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I’m a nursing student working for a community care company. Do I need to register with the SSSC?

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How to pay my registration fee over the phone?

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Do I have to renew my SSSC registration now before it is due, even after job change ?

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How long after the date to renew my registration, do I have to pay it?

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A Quick Guide to the Scottish Social Services Council (Last update: 05.02.21)

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