Senga Currie | QCS

Senga Currie

Senga has been a registered mental nurse and registered general nurse for 38 years, working in various areas within the NHS, community nursing, the field of addictions and the private sector.

Since 1998 she has been working with care homes, starting as a nursing sister and moving into roles of home manager, regional manager, care services manager and regulation manager. Read more

Senga Currie's Posts & Answers

I am keen to help people with incontinence problems, do you have any advice?

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I have been asked by the Care Inspectorate to do a development plan for my service and I am unsure where to start?

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When will the new framework for Care at Home be released?

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I recently had an inspection and was advised to improve pureed diets, can you advise on this?

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What communication methods would you suggest when informing service users of the new Health and Social Care Standards?

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I currently work in a Care Home but I am considering moving to Care at Home, is it different from a Care Home?

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Why do I have to submit an annual return?

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What incidents should I be reporting to the Care Inspectorate?

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