How often do you say thank you to individual members of staff for their hard work? | QCS

How often do you say thank you to individual members of staff for their hard work?

June 19, 2015

A statement that I’ve heard regularly throughout my working career, is ‘my manager never says thank you for what I do at work’. I’ve probably even felt this in my early working days. Whilst I don’t expect managers to be continuous with their appreciation to their teams, you would be surprised how important the 2 words ‘thank you’ can mean to a lot to employees.

Have a think about it, how often do you say thank you to your employees for their hard work? Is it more of a habit that you have said thank you rather, than a genuinely appreciative thank you?

Engaged, focussed and appreciated

With the busy lives that we all lead, I’m sure that praising your employees isn’t at the top of your priority list. But the truth is that a simple thank you can lead to your employees being more engaged, focussed and appreciated. Saying thank you sincerely can be a powerful tool which can often be missed. In the service industry some people are very quick to fault a service, you only have to look at Trip Adviser to witness this. To show your appreciation you may want to consider the following tips and remember this has no financial cost to your business, I’d call that a ‘win, win’.

  • Be specific and state what that individual did, this will instantly generate a positive feeling.
  • Mention the skills that the employee used which made it a success.
  • If the employee went out of their way to do a task, let them know that you know that they did this.
  • Explain to them the value of their work – that way they can see the bigger picture and how it fits into the business.
  • Make a point of going to find someone specifically to thank them for their contribution.

Improve your employee engagement

Sharing thanks with the employees who provide the service is the most effective way to improve your employee engagement. But it’s as important that the appreciation is seen as genuine, for it to have a positive impact.

When was the last time that you said thank you with sincerity? Have a think as you go through your day and you’ll be surprised that you may just be saying thank you out of habit. This small change in your approach may also have an effect on your employee turnover.

Anita Manfredi of Employer Solutions – QCS HR Expert Contributor


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