Our Pressure Prevention Toolkit is now available! | QCS

Our Pressure Prevention Toolkit is now available!

Dementia Care
August 7, 2020

The complete Pressure Prevention Toolkit is now available in our system!

We know that pressure ulcers can cause long term pain and distress but actually, 95% of them are avoidable. It is recognised that by providing clear guidance and information on what to look for can help both service users and staff get the support they need. Therefore, to make it easier for you to care for your service users, we have crafted for you a Pressure Prevention Toolkit.

It includes a suite of resources that include both nationally recognised and locally produced tools to help you achieve success in pressure prevention. The toolkit also complements the existing pressure prevention policy and associated forms. All documents can be used either stand-alone as needed or rolled out as part of a local awareness campaign, ideally driven by a member of staff with a keen interest in skincare.

To give you a taster, you can expect the following:

  1. Pressure Prevention Competency Assessment– to demonstrate that your staff can deliver care in line with best practice and are skilled to do so
  2. Pressure Prevention Poster –  to raise awareness of pressure prevention and how to use the SSKIN approach
  3. Safety Cross and Safety Cross guidance – an adapted national tool to track the number of days that have been pressure-free
  4. Root cause analysis – to be completed and shared with CQC when needed to demonstrate full investigation of the incident, reflection and learning
  5. Other Training materials –  to suit different learning styles, including a workbook, supervision template and a lesson plan with links to other resources
  6. Audit – allow you to review the practice before and after implementation of these resources
  7. A detailed guide – to explain and support leaders and managers on how to use the resources provided

With the use of these resources, you will:

  • have competent and trained staff delivering outstanding care
  • be able to demonstrate to your regulator that care is delivered in line with evidence-based best practice by competent staff

The complete Pressure Prevention Toolkit is now available in our system. To start a free trial, please click here


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