PAL Masterclass Catch Up: Facilitating ‘Just Right’ Activities for People with Cognitive Impairment | QCS

PAL Masterclass Catch Up: Facilitating ‘Just Right’ Activities for People with Cognitive Impairment

Dementia Care
July 22, 2022

Do you want to build your confidence in delivering activities for people at all levels of cognitive ability? Learn more from Jackie Pool, our Dementia Care Champion and Founder of the PAL Tool, in our latest masterclass.

Jackie helps you to build confidence through:

  • You understanding the underpinning theory of the PAL Instrument
  • Practicing using the PAL Instrument
  • Exploring how to get the most out of the PAL Guides for individual and group activities
  • Planning how to implement the use of the PAL into your place of work
  • The sharing of ideas and asking of questions to promote discussion and optimum learning

You can now catch up on the webinar below:

Follow our Dementia Champions LinkedIn Community here and share with us the positive stories about dementia care that you are offering or receiving!


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