New CQC Single Assessment Framework Preparation Checklist | QCS

New CQC Single Assessment Framework Preparation Checklist


Dementia Care

With the new CQC single assessment framework set to roll out for all care providers from January 2023, it is important to know now what you need to do to meet the requirements. This is so that you are well prepared when this new assessment framework is implemented in the new year, 2023.

The ratings (Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement and Inadequate) and the five key questions (Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led) will stay central to the new regulatory approach. The Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOEs) are being replaced by Quality Statements. Under each key question, there will be a set of quality statements, also known as ‘we statements’, which describe what good care looks like. These will link to all of the current regulations.

In our checklist you will find a table that details all the new quality statements for each key question. It offers guidance to help you consider the type of evidence you may find helpful to demonstrate how you are achieving each quality statement in your service. We have also included examples of policies and resources available now in the QCS system that help you gather and document your evidence.

    Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014