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Countdown – New Care Standards in Scotland

February 13, 2016
The National Care Standards in Scotland are available to service users and their carers in choosing and evaluating the service they receive. They are service specific standards in developing and…
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Evaluating Progress in Personalisation

October 31, 2015
Keys to Life The Scottish Government introduced Keys to Life in 2013 as a ten-year strategic policy to increase inclusion and improved lifestyles for people with learning disability and their…
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Supporting people through Art & Music

October 17, 2015
Arts4Dementia Arts4Dementia (A4D) is a charity whose logo includes ‘Empowering people with memory loss through artistic stimulation’. Their events and information resources show how music and arts can generally have…
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Advance Care Directives

October 11, 2015
In Scotland, people receiving health and social care can make advance directives. These are statements of how they would want their future care to be provided, in the event that…
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Funding Improvements for People with Learning Disabilities

September 27, 2015
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities The Scottish Government introduced a new strategy in 2013 to improve services for people with learning disabilities. It is based on the…
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Improving Supervision

September 18, 2015
The IRISS The Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) is a charitable company with a mission to: ‘…promote positive outcomes for the people who use Scotland’s social…
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Participation and quality

September 13, 2015
These are challenging times in providing social care, but there is also innovation and overall development of the sector. The recent introduction of the Care Act 2014 in England has…
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Inspection and participation

September 8, 2015
Inspections by the Care Inspectorate in Scotland shifted in focus when it began to grade services for their quality. Grades are published with the inspection report, and ranged from ‘6,…
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