Top Tips Guide for Dentists - Fuel Shortage | QCS

Top Tips Guide for Dentists – Fuel Shortage

Dementia Care
September 28, 2021

Due to the difficulty many businesses are having obtaining fuel due to the HGV driver shortages, we have put together this guide to help you when reviewing your business continuity and contingency plans:

Business Planning

  • Review your Business Continuity Plan in relation to fuel shortages
  • Risk assess the vulnerabilities and control measures that need to be put in place where fuel shortages are affecting your business
  • Review fuel station mapping to highlight local stations that might be affected and communicate this to staff
  • Highlight to staff that they are classed as essential workers and have priority when filling up their vehicle
  • Liaise with your local authority where the fuel shortages are creating issues for your service
  • Ensure staff rota planning is reviewed, based on the staffing section below, whilst maintaining continuity of business wherever possible
  • Evaluate supplies at the practice, such as PPE, to ensure you have sufficient stock levels


  • Determine which staff members might be affected by the fuel shortage
  • Liaise with those members of staff to establish their current situation:
    • Do they have enough fuel for the day, several days, a week or more?
    • Do they need fuel for other essential journeys e.g. taking children to school?
  • Consider the impact of the fuel shortage on all staff:
    • Including those with vulnerable family members
    • Childcare, for children who might not be able to get to school, even on public transport
    • Staff sickness – causing stress and anxiety for staff
  • Look at ways staff can save fuel:
    • Consider car sharing
    • Are all routes planned and efficient in fuel management?
    • Do any staff have electric cars?
    • Are there alternative forms of transport that staff can take i.e. public transport (buses, trains), bicycle, on foot if within walking distance?
  • Where staff can work from home, as part of their role, can the Home Working Policy and Procedure be followed?
  • Regularly communicate with staff the impact of fuel shortages and how it is being managed at the practice
  • Monitor the wellbeing of staff during the fuel shortage period to ensure they are not being adversely affected

Useful Resources

  • Business Continuity Policy and Procedure
  • Unable to Attend the Workplace Policy and Procedure
  • Home Working Policy and Procedure
  • Stress and Mental Health in the Workplace Policy and Procedure


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